Downeast Magazine 2008

Grand Decision

By WAYNE CURTIS – One day last summer I was walking past Weatherby’s fishing resort in Grand Lake Stream, and I heard a dull rhythmic pounding sound coming from behind one of the log cabins. This seems worth investigating, so I wondered up the cedar steps from the stream and found Jeff McEvoy, who owns the lodge with his wife, Beth Rankin, on the far side trying to coax a new sill into place with a sledgehammer. The sill was not being wholly cooperative – it continued to stubbornly veer off a few inches from the cabin wall. McEvoy nodded hello to me, and after a couple more whacks put the sledgehammer down. “It’s that big boulder,” he says crouching to peer underneath. “That’s not going anywhere.” The sill would have to be removed and notch to fit around an immovable force.

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